The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, or “SGMA” for short, was signed into State law by Governor Brown in 2014. SGMA requires Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) to develop Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs) and achieve sustainable local groundwater management by 2040. What is SGMA? (download brochure)
About South San Joaquin GSA
The Cities of Escalon and Ripon and the South San Joaquin Irrigation District have formed a partnership to manage groundwater resources in the areas we serve. The three agencies have formed a separate legal entity called the South San Joaquin Groundwater Sustainability Agency (South San Joaquin GSA). Additionally, the South San Joaquin GSA works closely with other agencies throughout the Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Basin including portions of Calaveras and Stanislaus Counties.
Like many public agencies, the South San Joaquin GSA is governed by a Board of Directors and is subject to transparency laws and regulations such as the Open Meeting Act (Brown Act) and the Fair Political Practices Commission rules on conflicts of interest. Click here for a full schedule of 2025 meetings.
Board of Directors and Officers
- Daniel deGraaf , Chairman, Ripon Council Member, Seat 3
- Mike Weststeyn, Vice Chair, SSJID Director – Division 4
- Bob Holmes, SSJID Appointee
- Jaylen French, Escalon Interim City Manager
- David Roos, SSJID Director – Division 1
- Peter M. Rietkerk, Administrator, SSJID General Manager
- Sonya Williams, Treasurer, SSJID Finance and Administration Manager
- Brandon Nakagawa, Secretary, SSJID Water Resources Coordinator
- Mia Brown, SSJID General Counsel
- Danielle Barney, Clerk of the Board, SSJID
Groundwater Sustainability Plan
The Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority was created to coordinate the development and implementation of a single groundwater sustainability plan (GSP) covering the entire Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Subbasin, in portions Calaveras, San Joaquin, and Stanislaus Counties, and representing sixteen (16) member GSAs. The South San Joaquin GSA is one of sixteen (16) active member GSAs in the ESJ Groundwater Authority.